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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2937

27th June 2011
Hiking - Walking: Usson and Camurac - France
Wind Direction:
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Weather: sunny
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Not a bad night considering my eye :( We had breakfast and walked up to the ruin. It wasn’t open but the walk up (as it is not hot yet!!!) was wonderful, there are several little houses with veg patches. The best one was in a really shady bit near the river, all the warmth and the water but not full sun. There was an old couple tending to it and it looked really idyllic :) Decided we had to do something about the eye so we went up the road to the next village and found there was a doctor at one even further up at Querigut but when we got there it was only afternoons so we drove back down the gorge to Axat which was a lot further than we thought! We found the doctor’s house and asked at the Pharmacy who told us she would be there at 2 so we got a few bits from the shops in the main street and had a picnic in the most beautiful spot Ihad found on an island in the middle of the river at a picnic table so really comfy too. We read and ate our lunch until it was time for Dr. Vallorie. There were a few people in the waiting room and we waited about half an hour but when we got in she was a really nice lady who spoke a little English. She was pleasantly surprised we could understand her! She looked at myeye and said there was no sand but a small indentation or scuff – she showed it to Mag and it is a little dull patch in his eye. She gestured to ask if I had been thumped in the eye or received an injury but we will never know if it was the sand, the rubbing or the poking about he did afterwards :( Anyway, she says it will take a few weeks to heal but it will get completely better eventually. She prescribed some drops and ointment and we got those at the pharmacy – a total of about £30 but we will be able to claim it back on the E111 when we get back. I am really a poor old thing with it and it is really getting me down. I can’t keep the bloomin thing open and when he is driving (because he doesn’t like to relinquish that job to me!) it is a real problem. I suppose it is the brain’s natural defence to close it and keep the light out. Sadly it hurts more when it is closed: Anyhow we trundled off down the road and found the white water rafting place which he is determined I am going to do with him! We couldn’t do it today but are booked in for 2 tomorrow. The man says it is easy and for debutantes. They do a lot more sporty/adventurous one which Mag said I should do by himself and leave Mag out but I wants to do it with Mag. Back in the car and off to the supermarket up the road just outside Quillan. Amazingly it is the same one we went to last year! Lots of English. Off to find somewhere nice to just relax for a bit. Drove up towards the mountains along yet another gorge – they are everywhere and parked up to the sound of more rushing water:) Rang Rob and had a chat about his savings/current account, moving in with the poor girl whose boyfriend shot himself and how to deal with bereaved friends and the bloomin van and all its problems:( Drove on up the mountain to a ski station at Camurac. It is deserted and we parked right on the edge of the mountain at the bottom of the village. You can see where the pistes are which is weird because on the way up you just couldn’t see how you could ski this area at all! There are the most beautiful flowers everywhere, mainly yellow and it is a glorious evening – getting a bit cooler but not a lot! We went for a walk up the flowery hillside and just over the brow we came across a huge herd of cows with bells and calves: They were all making their way to a big water trough and I sat really close to take photos and the noise was incredibly loud! There were at least 2 bulls and they weren’t bothered by us at all – just nosy and noisy! Back to the van for burgers, the most enormous curly sausage and salads – like a bbq without the bbq! Watched the sunset behind mountains:)

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